The Secret Etiquette Rule Of Sushi: Why You Should Never Mix Wasabi And Soy Sauce

Additionally, many sushi chefs put the perfect amount of wasabi on the sushi for you, so by mixing it with soy sauce, you may be overpowering the intended flavor balance.

Another reason not to mix wasabi and soy sauce is that it’s considered disrespectful to the sushi chef. In Japan, the art of sushi-making is deeply ingrained in traditional culture, and the chef’s skill and technique are on full display in each piece of sushi.

By mixing wasabi and soy sauce, you’re essentially saying that you don’t trust the chef’s ability to provide the right balance of flavors.

In addition to honoring the chef’s artistry, following this etiquette rule also allows you to fully appreciate the flavors and textures of sushi. Each type of fish has its own unique taste, and by not masking it with soy sauce and wasabi, you can savor the nuances of the fish.

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