7 Tinnitus Symptoms You Should Not Ignore

TMJ Disorders

Your TMJ or temporomandibular joint lets you open you mouth, chew, and talk. The TMJ is a fairly delicate joint that reacts badly to stress. Grinding teeth, clenching jaws, and jaw injuries can inflame the joint.

Symptoms include not only tinnitus, but ear pain, locking jaw joints, and pain or tenderness. Your dentist can alleviate TMJ through bite realignment. You may also want to learn relaxation techniques, so you are grinding or clenching your teeth.


Tinnitus might be a sign that you are getting too old. Or maybe you’ve been blasting music through your ear buds. There could be a wad of hardened ear wax upsetting delicate ear tissue. Or you might be getting early warning of impending heart disease, stroke, tumors, or Meniere’s disease.

Complications from a head injury that includes tinnitus could be serious and need to be examined.

There are treatments for tinnitus that may be as simple as stopping or starting certain medications, lowing blood pressure, or using masking devices. Ear, nose and throat specialists or audiologists may be your best bet to treat tinnitus.

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